Catering and Eateries

The Zarepath restaurant, which is the main catering unit, provides quality, fresh and balanced diet to our students from breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, mid-afternoon and evening.

We provide a variety of meals on the main counter, buffet, choma-zone, live cooking and fruit & juice parlour; all at student friendly rates.

The student can access these meals using a pay-as-you-eat system. This involves paying cash, use of Mpesa and the Biometric self-swiping system.

*What is swiping? This is the use of the Student Registration number as an account and can be accessed using the Student ID card and the Thumb print referred to as biometric.

*How is it done?

  1. First you deposit any amount to our bank accounts or Mpesa paybill
  2. Provide the deposit slip or Mpesa message at the Student Finance office
  3. The amount will then be loaded to your registration number account
  4. The student will the proceed to the Zarepath restaurant and access the system using a two-step security process of one’s Student ID card and the Biometric Thumb print.
  5. The system will display the daily menu, one will pick a desired menu then the system will generate a receipt.
  6. The student will then provide the receipt at the point of sale and be served.

This Biometric swiping allows the Student and Parent to;

  1. Monitor the use of funds in the account
  2. Access the account statement
  3. Protect the account from identity theft
  4. Prevent irregular swiping
  5. Reduce cost of paying with Mpesa which has transaction charges

As a guardian or parent, you can top up the account with any amount and the student will undertake the above process to load the deposited amount to his/her account.



  • Monday through Sunday throughout the year
  • Breakfast from - 6.45 a.m. (Sundays  /Public holidays)
  • Lunch-meals from 10.00am.- 10.00 p.m.
  • Snacks 00 a.m-10.00 p.m.



  • Monday - Friday - 8.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m
  • Lunch - 8.30AM a.m. - 4.00 p.m.

Closed during public holidays


Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


Located 20 Kilometres (12mi) from  CBD, along the Nakuru –  road.

P.o private bag 20157, Kabarak.

Admissions Inquiry: admissions@kabarak.ac.ke
General Inquiry: info@kabarak.ac.ke
ICT HelpDesk: icthelpdesk@kabarak.ac.ke
Accomodation: accommodation@kabarak.ac.ke

General Inquiry: 0729223370
Admissions: 0202114658
Student Finance: 254705184373
Accommodation: 254773552932 
Emergency Hotline: 

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