
Library Services

User registration

The university student and staff ID serve as a library card. For part-time staff, a library card is issued to them upon filling a registration form. You should always bring the card with you as it is necessary to enter the Library or to borrow a book. The barcode on the library card (e.g. P001530 or your registration number) and a password may be necessary in using personalized services (follow the steps shown in the “how to log into your library account section below”). Please do not forget to report when you have lost your card, in order to avoid fraudulent use by others.


Circulation services

Counter Borrowing

When you want to check out books, please present your library card along with the books to the circulation counter. The borrowing limits for books on general circulation are as follows:

 User category

Normal loans

Loan period

 Short loans


Teaching staff              

  6 books

  3 months



Non-teaching staff

  4 books

  1 month

  1 book/key


Part-time staff

  2 books

  1 month

  1 book/key


Undergraduate students

  4 books

  2 weeks

  1 book/key


Diploma students

  4 books

  2 weeks

  1 book/key


Post graduate students

  4 books

  1 month

  1 book/key


Junior Library

  2 books

  1 week

  1 book/key




Present your Library card along with the books/items you want to renew at the circulation counter of the nearest Library (Main or Nakuru Town Campus library). You can also renew them online on the library catalogue as shown below. Those who have overdue items or are suspended from borrowing cannot be able to renew online


How to log in to your library account:

  • Visit the library catalogue link on the University website www.kabarak.ac.ke
  • Right click on Log in to your Account option on the right hand side of the catalogue, then open a new tab
  • Enter your barcode or your registration no. e.g. cm/m/0014/09/2016 as username and the default password 1234
  • Once you have logged in you can be able to change your password, renew books, check your fines or make a purchase.


Using self-check to borrow or return books:

The library allows all users to borrow books on their own using the self-check system. The self-check machines are located on your left hand side as you enter the library



  • Place the books on the RFID reader
  • Select check out or check in depending on whether you are borrowing or returning books
  • Scan your library card using the scanner provided
  • Select proceed and pick your receipt

You do not need to have your library card when returning the items.


Reference and customer care services

A Reference and customer care desk is available to advise and assist you in accessing library materials or information. It is located on your right hand as you enter the Library. At the desk, we provide the following services:

  • Guidance in the use of library resources (including the online catalog, electronic database, etc.)
  • Literature searching, both within and outside our library.
  • On-demand library orientation, especially for the new users.
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service. Kindly, seek assistance at the Reference desk when you wish to consult resources that are available in other libraries.
  • Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI). Users are informed of relevant or new resources and services through email, phone, personal visits, notice boards and other means.

For any enquiries please contact the customer care using the following email: askalibrarian@kabarak.ac.ke


Conference and Seminar rooms

The Library offers a small conference room with a capacity of about 50 people and two seminar rooms each with a capacity of 10 people. These facilities are available to small groups or individuals to conduct conferences, workshops, seminars, training programs and other activities of academic or educational value. The Seminar rooms have also been set aside for daily use by postgraduate students. The rooms can be booked by filling a form obtainable at the circulation counter and/or using the library card. 


Study/discussion rooms and reading carrels

Study/discussion rooms are available at the far left hand corner on the ground floor for up to 6 people per room. Reading carrels are located on the upper floor, and serve single users. These are only available in the main library. Users may book these rooms at the circulation counter using Library cards. The keys are issued for a period of two hours for study rooms and four hours for reading carrels. An overdue fine of KSh. 10 per hour is charged for the rooms. The rooms may be renewed subject to reservation by other users. Kindly note that if additional users are found occupying the reading carrels (located upstairs), the booking will be cancelled and the key returned to the circulation counter.

Archival services

The Archives administers the non-current records of lasting (permanent) value that are created, generated and/or accumulated and received by various departments in the university. The section is located at the basement. 


A bindery section is located at the upper floor, next to the student conference room. Its services include the repair of books, binding and lamination of documents at affordable rates.

Junior Readers section  

The University Library has a small section that serves junior readers between the age of 5 and 16 or thereabouts. Its purpose is to promote the formulation of lifelong information seeking habits from an early age. It is housed at the far end of the ground floor facing the main entrance. The operating schedule for the section is as follows:

Library operating hours:


Main Library

Nakuru Town Campus

Monday -Friday








2.00 – 5.00p.m.


Public holidays and Chapel times and on special occasions.




*We inform users of temporary closing of the library through our website, e-mail and notice boards.

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


Located 20 Kilometres (12mi) from  CBD, along the Nakuru –  road.

P.o private bag 20157, Kabarak.

Admissions Inquiry: admissions@kabarak.ac.ke
General Inquiry: info@kabarak.ac.ke
ICT HelpDesk: icthelpdesk@kabarak.ac.ke
Accomodation: accommodation@kabarak.ac.ke

General Inquiry: 0729223370
Admissions: 0202114658
Student Finance: 254705184373
Accommodation: 254773552932 
Emergency Hotline: 

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