Rules and Regulations

The following are some of the highlighted Library rules and regulations; a detailed copy is also available on the student portal, library resources link.



University identification cards must be shown at the entry of the library and all other issuing counters. For external users relevant identification documents will be sufficient.



  1. Patron’s ID card MUST be presented by the owners only when borrowing books and no patron will be allowed to borrow books on behalf of their colleagues.
  2. Reference books, newspapers, magazines and all other periodicals are not allowed to be borrowed for use out of the library. Periodicals are to be read in periodicals section only.
  3. The Librarian may recall a book on loan at any time should it be required for special purposes and may withhold or restrict the circulation of any book in the library.
  4. Members who repeatedly fail to return books on due date will lose the privilege of borrowing and using books outside the library.
  5. Borrowers are held responsible for and will have to make good any damage or loss of books. They should inspect them before borrowing.
  6. A patron who loses the library card should report the loss to the library immediately where documentary evidence will be required for proof. The replacement fee for the library card is as per the university’s student ID replacement policy. All damaged cards should be replaced immediately; patrons will not be allowed to borrow books using damaged cards.
  7. Vacation borrowing is not allowed for students due to limited number of copies and the fact that some students defer studies for one or two semesters
  8. Library fines are charged as follows:


Item category

 Loan period

 Overdue charges

Normal loans

  As per user category

 Kshs. 5 per day

Short Loans

  2 hours

 Kshs. 10 per hour

Thesis & dissertations

  2 days

 Kshs. 20 per day

Inter Library Loans

  1 week

 Kshs. 20 per day

Study rooms

  2 hours

 Kshs. 10 per hour

Study carrels

  4 hours

 Kshs. 10 per hour



  1. Silence shall be strictly observed in the library.
  2. Mobile phones must be switched off or put on silent mode while in the library.
  3. Wearing of caps, overcoats, heavy jackets and similar heavy wear is not allowed in the library.
  4. All readers on leaving the library must show at the entrance all items they are taking out of the library.
  5. Marking or defacing of books and periodicals is forbidden.
  6. The reservation of desks is not allowed.
  7. The library accepts no liability for loss of personal property left in the library.
  8. Readers are requested not to interfere with the light switches, windows computer connections and settings, and library arrangements.
  9. Materials not properly borrowed from other libraries will be confiscated and returned to the institutions of origin with particulars of the user found with them for necessary action.
  10. Cases of misbehavior or dishonesty by the library staff or unwillingness to provide services shall be reported to the Librarian in Charge. The same applies to rude clientele.
  11. Smoking, spitting, eating/chewing, hawking, sleeping and drinking are strictly prohibited in the library. No food is allowed in the Library


  1. Attempts to degrade, disrupt or vandalize the equipment, software or any other accessories is prohibited.
  2. Users are not allowed to use the library computers for games, music, or view pornographic sites.


In case of loss, the borrowers will be charged:

  • Two times the current cost for books in print.
  • Four times the cost for books out of print.

If a user loses a CD accompanying a book, he/she will be required to replace both the CD and the book.


Library clearance of registered members will be based upon payment of/for :- overdue fines in full, lost library materials and presentation of student ID.  

Our Moral Code

As members of Kabarak University family, we purpose at all times and in all places, to set apart in one’s heart, Jesus as Lord. (1 Peter 3:15)


Located 20 Kilometres (12mi) from  CBD, along the Nakuru –  road.

P.o private bag 20157, Kabarak.

Admissions Inquiry: admissions@kabarak.ac.ke
General Inquiry: info@kabarak.ac.ke
ICT HelpDesk: icthelpdesk@kabarak.ac.ke
Accomodation: accommodation@kabarak.ac.ke

General Inquiry: 0729223370
Admissions: 0202114658
Student Finance: 254705184373
Accommodation: 254773552932 
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